FJC responds to the spread of COVID-19 infections


In the face of  the unprecedented pandemic now known as COVID-19, we are faced with difficult challenges and decisions. Our congregation’s leaders and professional staff have been in consultation and, mindful of our tradition’s commitment to preserving life and maintaining well-being, have reached the following decisions:

  • Effective as of today (3/12/20) all activities at FJC are suspended until further notice: worship services, all classes (Adult and Beit Sefer) Torah Study, Brotherhood and Sisterhood events and meetings, all committee meetings. Our Community seder on the second night of Passover has been cancelled. (Those who paid will receive a refund.)
  • We will closely monitor developments and inform you of the resumption of in-person activities. Until then, none will take place at FJC. Our classes and programs have moved to an online platform for members only.
  • The temple office is CLOSED. Please call or write but do not visit. Rabbi Lieberman and Pamela Rothstein will maintain their regular schedule and will be available via telephone or email to you to answer questions and/or address your needs and concerns, be they pragmatic, personal or spiritual.
  • If you know of a temple member who does not receive e-mail, please be sure to share this information with them or notify the office.
  • If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, be sure to let us know! Similarly, should you learn of a member of our community who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or is in home-quarantine, please notify the temple office.
  • Please consult our website ( for updates and watch for e-minder updates as well.

One of the great strengths of our congregation is the connection we have forged with each other. We will draw upon that strength as we face this challenge and we will do our part to help ensure the well-being of the larger community.

Please follow self-care protocols. For more information, consult the following online resources:

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Coronavirus Information Site

The Latest COVID-19 Fact Sheet from the CDC (PDF)

World Health Organization's Coronavirus Information Site

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) COVID-19 Site

Johns Hopkins CSSE COVID-19 Interactive Case Map

Mass.Gov's COVID-19 Site


Sam Slarskey, President

Elias Lieberman, Rabbi

Pamela Rothstein, Director of Lifelong Learning