If you've passed by our historic East End Meeting House in recent days, you will have seen workers (not fiddlers!) on the roof. The Meeting House has a badly-needed new roof as well as cosmetic repairs to the belfry. The side entrance portico has also been shored up and refurbished. FJC President, Barry Balan, oversaw these repairs and, with architect and FJC-member Kurt Raber, accompanied a structural engineer up into the attic of the Meeting House for an assessment. The engineer was impressed by the integrity of this fine old building that was built in 1797. This repair work was undertaken by Spectrum Painting & Landscaping, a Cape-based company that had done previous work in and around our Community Center building.

With the re-painting of the Meeting House interior this summer and these external repairs, this architectural and historic gem is shining once again!

These photos give a glimpse of the workers in action as well as into the attic of the Meeting House where you can see its timber-peg construction from massive, hand-hewn beams.