1) Tzedakah Box: Our Tzedakah Box donations for the last three months of 2011 will go to MAZON.
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing and alleviating hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds. Since its founding in 1985, MAZON, which means “food” or “sustenance” in Hebrew, has been the only national Jewish organization dedicated exclusively to fighting hunger. MAZON practices and promotes a multi-faceted approach to hunger relief, recognizing the importance of responding to hungry peoples’ immediate need for nutrition and sustenance while also working to advance long-term solutions. This approach symbolizes our desire to embody twin Jewish ideals: tzedakah and tikkun olam.
2) Christmas Day Mitzvahs - On Sunday, December 25th, we will be sending FJC volunteers to 3 locations to allow the usual volunteers the opportunity to spend Christmas Day with their loved ones.
A) We prepare and serve Christmas dinner under the auspices of Around the Table. If you would like to donate food or participate in the dinner, please contact Janice Hank at janicehank@comcast.net or call her at 508-428-3402.
B) We send a volunteer to answer the telephone at the Village at Cataumet shelter for a 4-hour shift. Please contact Lynne Rozsa (see below) if you are interested.
C) We send volunteers to Falmouth Hospital to give out gifts to patients, to help in Reception, etc. Please contact Leslie Kohuth at jamelk@comcast.net or call her at 508-548-2638 if you are interested.
** PLEASE NOTE: You must be a member of the Falmouth Jewish Congregation to take part in these volunteer activities sponsored by its Social Action Committee.
3) HOTEL TOILETRIES - As you travel, please remember to bring back those unused hotel goodies. The clients of our area shelters are very grateful for your generous donations.
4) The next Social Action meeting will be Tuesday, December 6th at 1:30 pm at the Daily Brew on Route 28A in Cataumet.
Scott Barron and Lynne Rozsa, Co-chairs
Lynne's email: lynrozsa@gmail.com
Lynne's cell phone: 203-526-7950